Monday, October 03, 2005

problems of the world

perhaps sometimes we come to wonder, why the troubles of the world befall upon us. why do things happen the way they do, why do we tread upon this realm in supposed dominance over all earth, only to be struck by problems, buried under burdens.

we ask where God has gone.

if God so loved the world he created, why then did he inflict such torment upon his creation? for all his wonderful mercies and forgiveness, he still went ahead to rain down pain on us.
some pray tirelessly for evasion or even obliteration of their woes, but at times the prayers are not answered. yes, they have not been answered, but i believe that they have been heard. a good test of your christian faith comes when you still continue to trust in the Lord despite adverse circumstances. can u still continue to worship and praise God even after he decides to strike you down with the sufferings of the world? what faith is it, if a single setback will turn you away from God? unless of course, God is still only imaginary in your heart. virtual, unreal. therefore if the prayers do not come true, then God is no God. that is no faith.
without troubles, how many will truly turn to God? without troubles, how many will even get to know God in the first place? how can you evangelize if your oikos have no troubles whatsoever? how will we begin to grow, shed our childish skins and mature if we are put through no toughening?
some may argue that there is no need for growing up. we just go through the motions of life, enjoying every bit of it.
what is joy if there is no suffering? what is water if there is no thirst? what is rest if there is no work? the day no one remembers suffering, could very well be the day no one remembers joy.
if you feel that your life has been ridden with more sadness than joy, perhaps it is time to reflect on your own actions before God. it has been tried and tested with many, including yours truly, and proven that sins and suffering are proportional. sin acts as a wall, barricading us from God.
also, trust in the Lord is also important to what God has in store for us. if one cannot trust in God to deliever one from trouble to a beautiful horizon, then God cannot work in one's life. indeed, many of the greatest things in life come only after hardship.
so how real is God to you, and have you been a good boy/girl/thing lately?

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