Sunday, October 02, 2005


gossip spreads like wildfire
mostly tho
after being processed many times over
in various different minds
fire will turn to toilet paper
for some obscure reason
humans are made in such a way
unable to relay accurate msgs
so inevitably
what comes out in the end
can become rather amusing

i never knew exactly how much info can change
but as i have found out
even as early as the second degree
there can be perversion in news
and it is a pervasive perversion
it has spread very much far and wide
much changed, i should figure

i never much knew it myself
until nick pointed it out to me sometime back
i didnt have the habit of talkin behind ppl's backs
or so he felt
maybe i did
maybe i did not
but as they say
do unto others as u will them do to u
perhaps now i shld make a concerted effort
be the loudspeaker this time round
be the medium where info turns corrupt and crooked
be the gossiper

eat my enzymes
pui pui pui

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