Tuesday, February 01, 2005

a stark realization dawns upon him. looking around, his knowledge-touched gaze penetrates through their hypocritical smiles. his trusted one had him on. it is not a bad thing however. dim rays of hope begin to materialize once again. the light at the end of the tunnel. can it be a hoax? or are they all really conspiring behind him? are they really conspiring for his good?

no matter.

casting the complex thoughts into the abyss of his sub-conscious, he lifts his head in full view to that glimmer of hope. "work towards it" his mind tells him. an intangible hand grabs his soul, ceasing his advancement. instincts. what did it mean? he stops to think.

step towards the light?
turn around and play the conspirators' game?
give it all up and seek another path?
take face value?
or play dead?

he stones in his spot, pondering the issue. unsure of his next move, he stagnates. wars rage on beneath his still surface. what is the next course of action?

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