Monday, June 18, 2007

yesterday was essentially a good day for me
firstly, i took part in my first ever
public 100m race
although i wasnt first
it was a first official timing for me
add to the fact
that i did not at first fall of the starting blocks
made it even better
because the first time i tried blocks
i fell on my face literally
so anw it was a good, and first,
return of 11.9 which is not too shabby
for a crosser

where am i going with all the firsts?
of course, i did finish first somewhere
sadly, it wasnt my first
ok not sadly but happily it was my second win
and it quite made my day
cuz there were alot of last minute sign ups
which included some rather fast ppl
instead of the at first (hah!) dull lineup

and finally DE highlight of the day
the other day tham gave me some
unglam, unflattering and embarrassing pictures
of vishnupriya d/o rajkumar
of course, she gave me the
thams up to splatter them on vish
which i did
and because it was so precious
i must blog it in detail:

[Act 1 Scene 1]
setting: black

{vishnu is seen engrossed in conversation}

enter Khing & Victor

{victor stands at a distance and smiles}
{khing sneaks up behind vishnu, pictures in hand}

khing: {taps vish shoulder}
vishnu: yes?
khing: {places pictures infront of her face}

there is a long pause
a storm looms
more silence...
silent until sian...

vishnu: {screams, chases khing}

exit khing, vishnu

{victor stands at the distance and smiles}

[End of Act 1 Scene 1]

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