Saturday, June 30, 2007

Played Out! - Jason (PC version)

Hello world.
recently i've been pretty busy
amidst the gray adversity known as exams
rehearsing for my church's event on sunday
above is the trailer
in which i played a part in
although u can only see my face for .23 seconds
i assure u the work was far more than 23 minutes

i usually don do this
but i'll say its worth ur time
so do come support
it's at my church's err
(for lack of better vocab) new campus
at paya lebar
directions ask from me
or any friendly LTA henchmen at paya lebar mrt

as u can see i stretched my blog
to accomodate the video
and i shun bian changed the picture above
which everybody complained cldnt be seen

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Who Am I?

My name is Khing Zhen Ze Kenneth. My friends simply call me Khing. Acquaintances hardly pronounce it right. It is a "hing" with a "k".

I live a lie. To myself, and to everyone else. That is then.

I have grown onto the lie. Or the lie has grown onto me. The lie is now a truth. I live a truth. This is now.

I have friends. I have a girlfriend. I am my girlfriend's boyfriend. I do not have best friends. Nor do I have close friends. I have a family. I have brothers I never had.

To those I do not know; I am scary and unresponsive. To my brothers; I am different. To my girlfriend; I am her boyfriend. To runners around; I am many things - good and bad.

I do not crave attention. Nor do I lust after the tangible material. I seek admiration; fuel for the ego, for the self. I am a solo act. You can see from the things I excel at. I am a team player. My team is my all. You can see from the things I excel at. Some of them.

I like to walk through time. I believe time does not destroy. I know time resolves. I resent that I cannot walk back in time. But i rejoice that time cannot reverse.

I am a philosophical atheist in thinking, a Buddhist in self. But still I am a Christian. I spell God with a capital "G". My faith is firmly in Christ. "Faith is believing that which you cannot see". I believe against what I see. Believing that people walk mainly on hands. That is my value of faith.

I am a complex human. Just like everyone else is. I am no better than the next person. Nor the next person me. But I am better to the people who are better to me. Like the better boyfriend to my better girlfriend. I am Kenneth Khing. Or just plain Khing.

Monday, June 18, 2007

yesterday was essentially a good day for me
firstly, i took part in my first ever
public 100m race
although i wasnt first
it was a first official timing for me
add to the fact
that i did not at first fall of the starting blocks
made it even better
because the first time i tried blocks
i fell on my face literally
so anw it was a good, and first,
return of 11.9 which is not too shabby
for a crosser

where am i going with all the firsts?
of course, i did finish first somewhere
sadly, it wasnt my first
ok not sadly but happily it was my second win
and it quite made my day
cuz there were alot of last minute sign ups
which included some rather fast ppl
instead of the at first (hah!) dull lineup

and finally DE highlight of the day
the other day tham gave me some
unglam, unflattering and embarrassing pictures
of vishnupriya d/o rajkumar
of course, she gave me the
thams up to splatter them on vish
which i did
and because it was so precious
i must blog it in detail:

[Act 1 Scene 1]
setting: black

{vishnu is seen engrossed in conversation}

enter Khing & Victor

{victor stands at a distance and smiles}
{khing sneaks up behind vishnu, pictures in hand}

khing: {taps vish shoulder}
vishnu: yes?
khing: {places pictures infront of her face}

there is a long pause
a storm looms
more silence...
silent until sian...

vishnu: {screams, chases khing}

exit khing, vishnu

{victor stands at the distance and smiles}

[End of Act 1 Scene 1]

Monday, June 11, 2007


if my tagboard is anything to go by
there is the misconception
that i have not been training
i frown upon all u detractors

in a way
i am like david beckham
misunderstood, underrated
and most importantly

but while my faithful taggers
are suck blood spit people -ing
there is, a slight tinge of truth

just yesterday
the magic quartet of
kevin, xide, seet and i
took part in the mr25 4x11.3k relay
while kien mau n mok combined
to beat us in their 2x22.6k runs with
a 3 min deficit
we nevertheless were victorious
in our category

but the lack of saturday trainings
as caijing has so kindly pointed out
had taken its toll
today i sit here
ashamed that my once
feared shoulder muscles
and ripping back muscles
are now aching from a long run

but i must point out
that yesterday was a 10k pb
and despite the lack of fitness
my 800 is still not too shabby
i am still fast my friends
just as david beckham is still good
and as well, handsome

perhaps for me
it is puberty part2
where i will once again
(pls pls pls pls)
grow muscles faster
and grow taller again

of course the same cannot be said
for beckham
but if it is true
it disturbs me