Thursday, July 20, 2006

track nats

yesterday was track&field finals
which is often called track finals
i feel field shld b given due credit
afterall, the recent(and not so recent)championships
have shown that a good field of field athletes
can give victory in overall standings

i lent my talents to the 4x400 team ytd
and my legs were used for the 2nd leg of the race
which happens to be my favourite leg
cuz other schools usually have their slowest leg for 2nd leg
and therefore my leg would be faster than most legs
which was very evident ytd
cuz i had an easy time catching
ok i was doing a fast fast time
but if it wasnt for being 2nd leg
i wouldnt really have caught them i guess

but really it was quite a simple job
in fact
i had so much to think abt instead of the race.
i had this burning urge igniting within me
to say hello to de cruz as i passed him
however i tot that wld make me very guo pei
so i just put more space between us
and left him in my glorious sweat trail
i guess thats friendlier and more amicable

the more significant event today however
was the track dinner
acjc's track dinner
acjc's track&field's dinner

err no not cuz of the food and stuffs
but potentially the last of gatherings
with the acjc crossers
with the prospect of a leaving batch and coach
and a separate training regime
it could be the last time we came together
ok so we didnt mix much at dinner either
but heck the idea is there

oh btw
cross in 9 months
the bell will ring for he who believes

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