Wednesday, March 01, 2006

minty somberness

i was sitting in my room a while ago
with my chin perched on my hands
staring out into darkness
but it wasnt the pitch black that got me stoning
i was thinking abt alot of sad stuffs
somehow everything just came to me at one night
and so i sat there and thought
and finally i thought maybe come down and blog abt it

as my comp started up
i changed my mind
so now im just gonna finish this entry
and talk abt my fetish for mint

i realised recently that i like mint
i like mint candy
i like the feeling of minty toothpaste
i sometimes use toothpaste as soap
i even use menthol facewash
and i like to drink peppermint tea
oh yes i like mint
but mint, i heard, causes some problems with e spermys
for some obscure reason it kills the swimmers
permanently or temporarily i know not
but i guess i might be sterilised
hopefully just for now

as these last lines touch my screen
i have finished my peppermint tea
my troubles are half left in my subconscious again
and by the time i awake tomorrow
they'll all be back in that box
so i guess i'll go lie down now
and worry what come may

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