Monday, November 20, 2006


i feel like blogging today but i dunno what to blog about. today there was training, lanning, and going home but i dun feel like blogging about any of them. they were eventful and mostly funful, but for some reason i cannot explain myself i dun feel like blogging about those. instead i would like to blog on something deeper, something that would boost my ego when ppl read and say wahhhh chims sia. however no such topic floats in my mind as of now and truth to be told, rarely ever does. perhaps that is my own deep thought. i think so deeply i realise it is useless to think deeply. hmmm. i'm contradicting myself, but that in itself is questionable and i think it qualifies as deep. perhaps i am a budding philosopher. if u dun think so then it could be due to the superficiality of your feeble mind that u cannot see the magnificence of my wonderful and splendid intellect. there. i am deep. deeper than the oceans that stretch themselves over the earth, deeper than the assholes that exist on total assholes on the surface of this planet. and that is really deep.

but alas, i am kidding myself. i possess no such genius. or so i am trying to lead u to think. a-hah. could it be a trap that i am laying that would cause you to underestimate me as did stalin's opponents that would result in my eventual rise to whatever power i am hoping to achieve. or it could be not.

i realise it has been a bore reading this post and i assure you it is not the end. some call me the epitomy of rubbish and boredom, yet some percieve it as words of wisdom that most cannot fathom. whatever the case, you are tired of reading this entry, and will be deterred because you see how long this entry is. as i typed the previous sentence you realise there was nothing beneath it, and displays my faultless prediction of the things that are to come. i will type alot.

there are many things i thread closely on in life. i believe in diffusion, i believe in the way nature works. i believe that to stop an egg from falling off the table to the floor, put the egg on the floor. i believe in balance, which is in effect, diffusion. and i also believe that i can change anything. mostly. some mostly. which brings me to the end of this entry.

by now you would have been diffused by this entry. some of me going into you. notice nothing is coming from you to me. therefore by my way of life, i am diffusing into you, and that can only mean i have a higher concentration of wisdom than u do. or rubbish. but i prefer to call my nonsense wisdom because no one said nonsense wasn't wisdom.

but now i have yet again contradicted myself. at the end of the paragraph before this, i said i was at the end of the entry. but i am not. and this shows my inability to predict future happenings. which contradicts myself. the following paragraph will illustrate the pattern that i am thinking along as i blog this entry.

this is a word. but that was a phrase. which... has turned into a sentence. but i have just reached a few lines. but hey look, i've typed a paragraph. and as i type, it just gets longer and longer and longer and longer. oh look it's a very long paragraph. perhaps it will soon qualify as an essay. and by the word of the prophesy this shall become a novel!

and this was not a novel. if u are not confused by this entry i applaud your will to remain sane. or to remain insane. ah-hah. i think this entry is very useful for tok. ibo should adopt this extract for textbook reference.

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